As part of the IND team (mechanical side of the manufacturer), we are in charge of the development of the architecture of a Pressure Regulation Unit (PRU). The goal is to generate a mechanical architecture from a list of components that respect the global dimensions and external stresses provided by the customer.
We are working for the worldwide leader in power conditioning and distribution unit for satellites and one of the most important electronic providers for Ariane 5.
The product line covers the needs from observation microsatellites to the big geostationary communication satellites (Galilea, Globalstar, RASCAM, etc.).
Our client benefits from the first position in electronic product for flight equipment: avionic, plasma propulsion unit (PPU), DC/DC converter and other electrical products.
The job site is split into two main domains: electricity and mechanical.
While in the first, the electric circuit is designed to respond to the client’s request from input to output.
Within the second domain, the physical aspect of the product is developed: implantation, mechanic, heat transfer, production, tests, etc.
First, sheer volume of possible combinations to design variables necessitates a wholesome approach to the problem as brute-force or manual analysis of every single combination is not possible. Secondly, credible input data in terms costs, performance and efficiency of each component when the components aren’t in the market yet is not straight forward. Third hurdle is the complete mathematical framework for evaluation which must be modular and should be able to perform optimization on multiple levels, energy optimization over a usage scenario at the same time performing cost and performance optimization. Lastly, the data analysis of multi-dimensional results to extract usable conclusion out of seemingly random cloud of data-points is challenging.
The first step of the development is to make implantation of the main components of the microchips used in the electrical design.

As a result, the mechanical concept – structure, PCB, fixations, etc. – is developed, regarding the global dimensions provided by the customer.

This development is made with the CAO software CATIA V5.
All the design have to be compliant with the customer’s request.
Finite element models are made of the equipment with ANSYS Mechanical APDL for thermal, mechanical and radiations analysis to ensure this result.