What can we learn from 3D printing?

What can we learn from 3D printing?

What can we learn from 3D printing? 5 advantages of 3D printing Through the deep integration of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, additive manufacturing or 3D printing is setting off a brand-new technological and industrial revolution. It will...
Will AI be the Downfall for Engineers?

Will AI be the Downfall for Engineers?

Will AI be the Downfall for Engineers? Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way engineers design and develop complex systems. However, as AI becomes more ubiquitous in the engineering industry, many experts have raised concerns that it may also be the...
Interview with a Junior Consultant Olivia

Interview with a Junior Consultant Olivia

Interview with a Junior Consultant Olivia Discover our interview with a fresh graduate who joined us as a Junior Consultant a month ago– Olivia Leroy. Olivia has some insights to share with our subscribers and other fresh graduates in engineering! Tell us more about...